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All shook up

All shook up
By Christine Redfern
Mirror, ARCHIVES: Mar 01-07.2007 Vol. 22 No. 36

As I speak to the woman sitting at the desk in the entrance of UQÀM’s gallery (1400 Berri), a clearly agitated man approaches. He demands to know where the exhibition Basculer is located. As she points right next to her at the construction area, partially sealed off with plastic, he expresses righteous surprise that they haven’t even bothered to indicate the way to the exhibition with a sign. It clearly never crosses his mind that the construction site is actually a work by BGL and part of the show.

USE HER ILLUSION: Philomène Longpré’s “Illusio”

Inside the main gallery space, curators J u l i e Bélisle, Mélanie Boucher and Audrey Genois expose works by Sébastien Cliche, Claudie Gagnon, Philomène Longpré and Yann Pocreau. Longpré’s installation Illusio is so convincing that it is hard to believe the movement of the hanging screen is an illusion created by the projected video.

Tip to viewers: Go see this exhibition when you are hungry; the delicious snacks laid out by artist Claudie Gagnon in her installation Buffet will be available for your enjoyment throughout the exhibition’s run. Basculer continues until March 31, info: (514) 987-8421.

Redfern, Christine. « Basculer. » Mirror, Montreal. March 8th 2007